Nordik Roe Pro
The Nordik Roe Pro is a new call from NordikPredator, designed to effectively call roebucks, but is also ideal for calling roe deer and predators that hunt roe deer.
The call is pre-tuned with all the sounds you need for a successful hunt. Bite the mouthpiece with your teeth, adjust by switching between the notches to create the different sounds.
To call roe deer, make these sounds:
The contact sound of the roe deer:
Place your teeth in the inner notch of the soundboard and press down hard, hold the pressure and blow a short stream of air into the whistle. Repeat a few times.
The agitation sound of the roe deer:
Place your teeth in the inner notch of the soundboard and press down hard, hold the pressure and blow a long stream of air into the whistle. Repeat a few times.
The pain sound of the deer:
Place your teeth in the inner notch of the soundboard and press down hard, start with a short stream of air into the whistle and then release the pressure. Repeat a few times.
The deer and predators call using the tormenting sound of a fawn:
Place your teeth in the outer notch of the soundboard and bite down hard, blow a long stream of air into the whistle. Repeat a few times.
Practice makes perfect.